How Parts Are Pressure Tested
Maintenance is key in keeping oil and gas equipment functioning properly and, consequently, keeping workers safe and production levels up.
One of the keys in maintaining equipment is through regular testing, to ensure that all of the parts are working as they are meant to – with oil and gas equipment, this is commonly done through pressure testing.
What Is Pressure Testing?
Pressure testing is a process by which one can verify the integrity of vessels such as pipelines or gas chambers.
Why Is It So Important?
The process of pressure testing is crucial to the oil and gas industry not only in regards to keeping equipment running efficiently and effectively, but also to ensure the safety of those working in close proximity to the equipment in question.
Pressure, as innocent as it may sound, can be one of the most dangerous, and even deadly, components of the jobsite.
How Are Parts Pressure Tested?
Pressure tests typically begin with filling the pipeline system with a liquid – most commonly water that has been colour dyed is used. Once filled, the pipeline system is pressurized to a predetermined test-pressure. Once pressurized, the worker monitors the system for any pressure loss.
Pressure loss can often indicate leaks in the vessel, which can then be easily located using the coloured water.
Through locating and repairing these leaks, workers are able to ensure the integrity of the pipeline is being maintained.
Preventing Pressure Loss
The best maintenance is preventative maintenance – when time, money, and safety are at stake, it’s always better to respond proactively (working to prevent problems from occurring) rather than reactively (waiting until problems are already present and then responding to them).
One of the best ways to act proactively is to ensure you have top quality parts, and that these parts are well maintained.
Every piece that helps make up the pipeline system is integral in it’s successful functioning. From the smallest ring joint gaskets to the biggest pumps – every part has an important role to play, and every part has the potential to cause problems if it is not properly maintained.
For these reasons, it’s important to research and be selective with the products you choose. Using ring joint gaskets as an example: while there is a Worldwide Standard for gaskets set by the American Petroleum Institute, there are still a wide variety of options (and therefore qualities) to choose from. Gaskets can range in shape, material, temperature handling, and pressure handling capabilities. Regardless of how small they may be, they play an integral role in keeping your pipeline properly pressurized – which is why it’s crucial to keep high standards for even the smallest of parts.
Safety and Functionality
Regularly pressure testing pipeline systems is an essential task in the world of oil and gas – and having the proper, and best quality parts – will ensure that your pressure tests run smoothly.
By maintaining the proper pressure within these pipeline systems, the systems are able to function at their most efficient and effective level, and workers are at their safest – a true win-win!
Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash